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Ed. Medici
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Ed. Sirio
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Netter Frank H. Netter, M.D.
- Atlas de Anatomia
Icon Learning Systems
ISBN 84-458-1297-1
Dr. A. T. Still
- Philosophy of osteopathy. Kirksville. American Academi of Oetheopathy, Ohio, 1986
- Otheopathy, reaserch and practice. Eastland Press, 1992
Dr. William Garner Sutherland
- Teaching in the Science of Osteopathy, ISBN Nummer: 0-915801-26-4
- Contributions of thoughts
Michael Kern
- Wisdom in the Body, the craniosacral approach to essential health
- Thorsons 2001, ISNB Nr.: 0-7225-3708 5
Rolling E. Becker
- Life in Motion, ISBN Nummer: 0-9675851-0-4
- The Stillness of Life, ISBN Nummer : 0-9675851-1-2
Franklyn Sills
- Craniosacral Biodynamics, North Atlantic Books 2001, ISBN Nr. 1-55643-354-9
Volume one, two, three
Michael J. Shea
- Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy Volume one, two, three, four, five North Atlantic Books IBSN Nr. 978-1-55643-591-1,978-1-55643-715-1, 978-1-55643-933-9
Adah Sutherland
- With thinking fingers
- – I- Magoun
Osteopathy in the Cranial Field
Don Cohen
- An Introduction to Craniosacral Therapy, North Atlantic Books Berkeley 1995
- Milne
- The Heart of Listening, North Atlantic Books, Berkeley, CA, 1996
- Anatomy coloring Atlas
- Physiology coloring Atlas
- Neuroanatomy coloring Atlas
Deane Juhan, Job´s Body
- Anatomy Atlas, Netter, Novartis
- Ornstein, R. Thompson, The amazing Brain, Houghton Mifflin Company, Boston 1984
Mary Louise Muller:
You have a fine head on your shoulders, Selfhelp for Cranial Ointegratopnm. Âcofoc Distribuiting, Murrieta, CA 1992
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